Saturday, 30 June 2012

"Its a nice sunny day"

Quote from my three your old this morning as she lay back in the sun ... it was almost like she was going to start some kind of prose. She did however get up on the wrong side of the bed and has been quite a monster for the majority of this morning. So I must say its like lotto win when she and hubby put themselves to bed for the arvo nap... time to blog!!

Now time for few eye candy pics to compliment a lovely sunny afternoon...

I discovered the local library some fab new books "The Australian Wedding Book" by Kate White. Beautiful picture book of all things weddings, my fav was the section of flirty gorgeous and girly fabrics .. every girl needs a frock / skirt or two made of these fabrics in her wardrobe. 

Which fabric(s) would be the best for a gorgeous 1950's style full skirt ? Suggestions anyone?

Now for the home .. Royal Dalton has really started to try and take on the younger market with a new more modern & sweet range.  I love the polka dot range ......  I prefer however, the plain polka dot pieces, the flowers I feel add a bit too much. Yes my obsession with polka dots will never die! 

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